Check out the two-part interview I did with police officer Amanda Souza, who lost her two children, Letícia and Marcelo, at the hands of her husband and father, dentist Paulo César Viana. They were married for twenty years and ended in unprecedented sadness. PART 2: • PART 2 - HUSBAND OF M4T4 DELEGATE THE ... #crime #family #couple #children #love #mystery #interview #podcast JANE CASE - CITED IN THE INTERVIEW: • HE KILLED MY TWO CHILDREN TO V1 HIMSELF ... To be a member, click on the link below: / @betoribeirocrime TO BUY THE BOOK PODER S / A: Amazon: https://a.co/d/5Tpw66f Drummond: https://drummondlivraria.com.br/poder ... BETO RIBEIRO STORE - NOTEBOOKS, MUGS, T-SHIRTS AND MUCH MORE WEBSITE: https://lojabetoribeiro.com.br FOR INTERNATIONAL SALES, USE WHATS: +55 11 94306-3034 Anyone involved with the cases, who wants to bring their point of view on the story, get in touch com: [email protected] Instagram: / betoribeiro Instagram Community: https://ig.me/j/AbZwNno-VFZjtv8Y/ TikTok: / betoribeiro_ Amazon: amazon.com/author/betoribeiro Twitter: / betoribeiroreal WhatsApp Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FPInyjc5fXL... Telegram Link: https://t.me/betoribeirocrime Beto Ribeiro (MTB Journalist 0096117 / SP) CHANNEL WITH A JOURNALISTIC VISION OF INFORMATION AND PRECAUTION OF CR1ME. Subscribe, like, comment. :) CR1ME, BEHAVIOR AND MYSTERY - WITH BETO RIBEIRO