Receive a discount coupon for Jungfrau Observatory by email https://www.jungfrau.co.kr/coupon/pop... Jungfraujoch Observatory, located at 3'454m above sea level and home to the highest train station in Europe, with its perennial snow and Aletsch Glacier. There's so much to see and do at Jungfrau Observatory, so it's even more fun if you prepare in advance!! We'll introduce travel times, transfer methods, and must-see sightseeing spots. #jungfraujoch #JungfrauTravel #Switzerland #KimSwissTour Photos/Data @Jungfraubahnen @Naver, Thank you to Lonely Swordsman for providing the photos! @ Music: https://www.audioblocks.com/license KimSwissTour Official Website: www.kimswisstour.com KimSwissTour Naver Blog: https://blog.naver.com/kmjhaha2000 KimSwissTour Facebook Page: / kimswisstour KimSwissTour Instagram: / kimswisstour