The expedition took place on Christmas Eve 2022 in spring weather. I started from the casino parking lot and followed the path that goes up next to the Chounis stream. At 4 km I turned right and at the next intersection I chose the path that goes straight up to the shelter. The return was from Thrakomakedones where I saw the destruction caused by the last fire of 2021. I should note that even though it is the end of December, the temperature reached 20°C at some point. Music once again by Vangelis Kalemikerakis The expedition took place on Christmas Eve 2022 in spring weather. I started from the casino parking lot and followed the path that goes up next to the Chounis stream. At 4 km I turned right and at the next intersection I chose the path that goes straight up to the shelter. The return was from Thracomakedones where I found the destruction caused by the last fire of 2021. I should note that even though it is the end of December, the temperature at one point reached 20°C. The music once again by Vaggelis Kalemikerakis.