Merry Christmas everyone ???? Lunch and a walk around town to celebrate Okama-sensei's birthday in the crowded Paris just before Christmas ???? The headache of searching for a Christmas present every year, the situation of a French mother-in-law and daughter-in-law... This is a relaxed video where we forgot our camera and just chat about various things ???? ⚠️Fares for public transport in and around Paris will change significantly in 2025⬇️ 29:10 ✨Reprint decided✨ "A guide to traveling in Paris" https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046072563 ✨Now on sale✨ "The French know the joy of living" Small happiness found surrounded by Parisians who are greedy for life" (by Ryoko Paris Guide/KADOKAWA) https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046061782/ Instagram: @ryoko.parisguide @Ryoko Paris Guide #livinginFrance#Paris#Christmas