Setting up DJI Pilot for drones with a thermal imager Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual/Advanced You can place an order for drones and options for them at the link: https://www.paragraf.ru/drone or by phone: 8-800-600-86-80 Join the Agras group to discuss issues of purchasing, operating, providing services with agrodrones: to join the group, you must write a request to the administrator at +79036500758 or send a request at the link: https://t.me/+FSTLNDrtbJ45Nzgy We work with legal entities and individuals. Delivery across the Russian Federation. Our own training and service center. #dji #agras #agrast30 #agrast40 #terra #djiterra #agrodrone #mini3 #djimini3 #mini3pro #djimini3pro #djiair2 #air2s #djiair2s #mavic #mavic2 #mavic3 #phantom4rtk #p4multispectral #matrice30 #matrice30t #matrice300 #matrice300rtk #paragraf.ru #letaipo affairs