This time, Goriken, who stands in for Saito Yu, and Yano Pepe stroll around Kamiminato in Munakata City. Pepe visits a liquor store and is confused when the generous owner gives him a not-for-sale item. Goriken is also left speechless when the owner of a soy sauce brewery founded in 1850 suddenly starts singing without warning. [What is Para-Burari...?] The Parachute Troops (Saito Yu and Yano Pepe) will introduce the charms of Fukuoka's 72 cities, wards, towns, and villages in detail, focusing on the "Karuta Journey" in which they stroll around town promoting the charms of the towns through karuta cards. #ParachuteRegiment #SaitoYu #YanoPepe #MomochihamaStore #GoriKen #MunakataCity #KazuyaLiquorStore #Sugidama #Kadouchi #Alcohol #Okinoshima #NakamaruSoySauceDistillery #SoySauce #EstablishedStore #SoySauceOnBread #HarukichiBread #CreamBread #BeanPastryBread #Bread #Celebration #KaraageEn #PizzeriaTutti #GoriParaTravels #TNC #TVNishiNihon Subscribe here: / @storetnc Official Program Website: https://www.tnc.co.jp/store/ Official Program Instagram: / storetnc Official Program Twitter: / storetnc Official Program Facebook: / storetnc