High School Math Teacher Improvement Program IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, July 17-21, 2023 Professor: Eduardo Wagner - Pattern recognition Video playlist: https://bit.ly/3NPVK3X PAPMEM page / Teaching material: https://bit.ly/3PDBjGP The High School Math Teacher Improvement Program - PAPMEM, created by mathematician Elon Lages Lima from Alagoas, aims to improve the training of high school mathematics teachers throughout Brazil. It has been carried out for over 30 years by IMPA and has the participation of institutions and teachers from all federative units in Brazil. Since its inception, PAPMEM has benefited thousands of teachers from all over the country. Course Organization: Each edition of the program takes place in a single module and covers topics from high school and some from elementary school. They are held simultaneously at IMPA and at partner institutions throughout the country. We currently have around 70 centers and 3,000 participating teachers. At IMPA, we have 150 students per module. Lectures are taught in the morning and broadcast live from IMPA to participating institutions in other states. In the afternoon, guided studies are carried out, supervised by teachers from each center. The activities take place during school breaks, in January and July. This program resulted in a series of books especially designed for high school teachers, published by the Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM). IMPA Social Media: https://linktr.ee/impabr IMPA - Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics © https://impa.br https://impa.br/videos #papmem2023 The rights to all material on this channel belong to the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, and the use of all or part of the content without prior written authorization from the aforementioned owner is prohibited, except in the cases provided for in current legislation. The rights over all the material in this channel belong to the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, and it is prohibited to use all or part of it without prior written authorization from the above mentioned holder, except in the cases prescribed in the current legislation.