My channel in Yandex.Zen - https://zen.yandex.ru/id/61515996ccfc... LOOK FOR THE SEA DINOSAURS & CO SET FROM DEAGOSTINI HERE: https://clck.ru/TYb2A PAPA ROB AND NEW DINOSAURS: SEA DINOSAURS & CO SET FROM DEAGOSTINI - JURASSIC WORLD! Papa Rob found himself in Jurassic World! Owen gives a tour for park visitors, there are a lot of dinosaurs around and there is even a huge T-Rex. But are there any water dinosaurs? Of course there are! Papa Rob gets a special SEA DINOSAURS & CO MAXXI EDITION dinosaur set from DEAGOSTINI! The set includes very rare dinosaurs, such as Liopleurodon, Dunkleosteus, Plesiosaurus, Nothosaurus, Carnosaur, Ophthalmosaurus and others! These dinosaurs can change color in water! Papa Rob is having fun unboxing new dinosaurs. Want to know what happens next? Check out the new Jurassic World video on the Papa Rob Show channel! Subscribe to the Papa Rob Show channel for more cool videos with Papa Rob! / @paparobshow Find us on social media! VKontakte: https://vk.com/club132423271 Facebook: / 4screensshow Twitter: / 4screens_studio Instagram: / 4screensstudio #PapaRob #JurassicWorld