Quilted toiletry bag made of synthetic, but can be made of other materials too, such as fabric, plastic, silicone... Easy to make, low cost and great to sell! I hope you like it! Measurements: Mirrors: 24 x 16cm (2x main and lining) Zipper channel: 40 x 5cm (2x main and lining) Bellows: 35 x 11cm (main and lining) Back pocket: 24 x 13cm Zipper finish: 40 x 4cm (2x main) Zipper: 45cm and 26cm 3 sliders 1 1.5cm half ring 1 3 x 7cm strip (for the half ring) Handle: 20 cm Instagram: @atelie_mariaju @loja_mariaju (sale of parts and materials for making) Leave your like and don't forget to subscribe to the channel!!! Kisses