To sign up for an online consultation, follow the link: https://hirurgia-saratov.ru/onlayn-ko... For questions about in-person consultations and surgeries, you can write to WhatsApp and Viber at the phone number: +7 (905) 034-76-84 Our Instagram (there you can ask questions): https://www.instagram.com/knk_hirurgi... ATTENTION! This video is for educational and informational purposes only. There are contraindications. Before using the recommendations and advice from the video, BE SURE to consult a doctor! With pancreatitis, the tissue of the pancreas is destroyed by its own enzymes, which are produced in it. The pancreas is an organ of mixed secretion, that is, on the one hand, digestive enzymes are produced in its tissue, which are secreted into the 12 b.c., and on the other hand, it contains clusters of cells that produce hormones that go directly into the blood. Enzymes produced in the pancreas are needed to digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates entering the duodenum from the stomach. And hormones synthesized in the gland and entering the blood are needed to regulate glucose levels. The two main hormones are insulin and glucagon. They have the opposite effect on glucose. Insulin helps the body's cells absorb glucose in the blood well. Glucagon, on the contrary, when the glucose level in the blood decreases, breaks down glycogen into glucose - restoring its level to normal. Enzymes in the pancreas are inactive and are activated under the influence of intestinal juice and bile, entering the duodenum. Due to various pathological conditions, these enzymes become active in the gland itself and begin to digest its tissues. In addition, activated digestive enzymes can destroy the pancreatic membrane and enter the retroperitoneal tissue and abdominal cavity, leading to peritonitis and abscesses. The outcome of pancreatitis is a deficiency of enzymes that digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, not only the tissue that produces enzymes is destroyed, but also the cells that produce insulin. As a result, its quantity also decreases. This is why diabetes mellitus can develop after pancreatitis. What causes pancreatitis? Speaking about its causes, all factors leading to inflammation should be divided into two groups: predisposing and producing. About predisposing factors: they include all the reasons that disrupt the outflow of pancreatic juice from the pancreas. This is: inflammation of the papilla through which pancreatic juice and bile are secreted into the duodenum - blockage of the duct or papilla with a stone (the most common cause), blockage of the pancreatic duct itself with a stone, also called the Wirsung duct, cicatricial changes that contribute to the narrowing of both the duct itself and the duodenal papilla, the formation of viscous juice with a high protein content (this mechanism plays a role in chronic alcoholism). But, as I said, only a predisposing factor is not enough - for the development of pancreatitis, a producing factor is needed. And they are often abundant food intake and alcohol. They can act both in combination and separately. The combination of predisposing and producing factors triggers the process of activation of enzymes in the pancreas and its self-digestion. What is the summary of all that has been said above and what are the conclusions: First. The pancreas is an organ of mixed secretion, that is, it produces digestive enzymes and hormones. And the death of its tissue can lead to insufficiency, both enzymatic and hormonal. Second. The most common predisposing factor is gallstone disease. Remember, speaking about predisposing factors, I mentioned a stone in the bile duct as the most common cause of outflow obstruction. Therefore, in order not to "plant" the pancreas, it is necessary to remove the gallbladder with stones in a timely manner. Third. If for some reason you have one of the predisposing factors that disrupt the outflow of pancreatic juice, do not pull the trigger - that is, do not drink alcohol and do not practice heavy meals.