"Pan Akari and Bon Koyomi" (irregularly distributed on Fridays) This program shows Ijiri Akari and Hasegawa Koyomi taking on various challenges. This time, it's the second part, where they try to overcome their weaknesses! Will Pan Akari, who is not familiar with the latest trends for young people, be able to get all the questions right? If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel! The Panja Bombers have started an official TikTok account! We will be uploading short videos featuring Pan Akari and Bon Koyomi. This account is distributed every Monday ◎ https://www.tiktok.com/@panjabonbas?_... Homepage https://panbons.amebaownd.com/ Twitter / @panbons Instagram / panja_bonba. . Pan Akari (Ijiri Akari) Twitter https://twitter.com/akarin0116?lang=ja Instagram / akari_ijiri Bon Koyomi (Hasegawa Koyomi) Twitter / koyomi_ha0828 Instagram / koyomi_ha08