Imported from China to Europe at the end of the 19th century, widespread in Ticino since the 1950s, palm trees have gone from being an iconic symbol for tourists to a threat to the ecosystem. They have colonized gardens and large portions of woodland, suffocating part of the native flora and depriving the woods of their essential role as shelter. Politics is taking action, but the invasive palm continues to expand and is so widespread that it is becoming increasingly difficult to eradicate it. The Confederation has thus decided to tighten the law: from next September 1st, the sale of palm trees will be prohibited. Reportage by Falò from Tegna to Ronco sopra Ascona, from Sementina to Caslano to Paradiso, discovering the palm groves that threaten biodiversity and protective woodlands. by Philippe Blanc Follow RSI Info on: WEBSITE: https://www.rsi.ch/info/ PLAY: https://www.rsi.ch/play/tv/categorie/... FACEBOOK: / rsiinfo INSTAGRAM: / rsiinfo