Painting styles with Bauernmalerei. Come learn how to compose with Bauer, using stencil brushstrokes!!! An easy and very enjoyable way to mix styles, color palettes and lots of creativity. Bauernmalerei Material List Corfix . White 301 . Rosemary Green 452 . Sand Beige 423 . Cyclamen Pink 343 . Light Brown 352 . Brown 319 . Country Red 488 . Burgundy 486 . PVA Olive Green 331 . Gel Medium Bitumen . Acrilex Glossy or Matte Acrylic Varnish . Guava 805 . Concrete 819 . Orange 517 True Colora . Sepia Camurcyl . Dark Brown Others . Indian Shellac . Sandpaper 400 . Glue . Crepe tape BRUSHES . Flat red handle . Flat yellow handle . Varnish brush . Large and small pituá . Fillet brush . Round brush Stencil Opa LitoArte