Painting tiles - a new look for little money! Instructions with tips: https://www.adler-farbenmeister.com/t... Do you want to make your bathroom look more modern? However, tearing out old tiles and laying new tiles is time-consuming and involves a lot of dust and dirt. With ADLER tile paint, you can paint walls, floors and even the bathtub or shower tray. Instead, you can simply paint over the tiles with tile paint! And the best thing about it: It's easy to do and much cheaper than replacing tiles. You just need a little time: Due to the drying times, you should plan on about three days. You need these materials for our tile renovation: ►The high-quality tile paint ADLER 2K-PU-Multilack: https://www.adler-farbenmeister.com/l... The multi-lack is also available in different colors and gloss levels. You can find all the products used, a list of materials and many other helpful tips at https://www.adler-farbenmeister.com/ ????Other videos that might interest you: ► Remove water stains with insulating spray: • Remove water stains with insulating spray ► Paint wooden ceilings and walls white: • Paint wooden ceilings and walls white... ► Paint and repaint kitchen fronts: • Paint kitchen fronts - repaint the kitchen... Do you have any more questions? Then feel free to write them in the comments.