[Archive] / 2049955391 *Twitch archives will be deleted after 2 months *Please excuse any mishearing (especially in foreign languages) [Table of Contents] 00:00 yay appears 01:30 Will he call Anthem? 06:09 Pride 09:02 You should get used to this string 10:00 Rb that wanted to be sucked in 10:58 Good job yay 13:06 Feeling of victory 14:15 Genius 16:43 It's an individual skill, after all 20:40 Real last 24:19 ED ~neth-san~ [Twitter] / neth_vz [YouTube] / @neth [Twitch] / neth3 [Mildom] https://www.mildom.com/11848417 [Twitch] / neth3 [Instagram] / neth_vz ~This channel~ [Twitter] / ha_iizo -------------------- Sound effects OtoLogic https://otologic.jp Sound effect lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/