The film takes place in 1957. The plot revolves around mysterious crimes taking place in a small town, which are investigated by policeman Balakhnin and KGB officer Mitin. Movies online - http://bit.ly/filmsonline Movies online (HD) - http://bit.ly/filmsHD Trailers - http://bit.ly/1tM4897 Best moments - http://bit.ly/1xB4T4k Comedy movies - http://bit.ly/1AlZ5hr War movies - http://bit.ly/1BuYZ5X Love movies - http://bit.ly/1xzWePS Drama movies - http://bit.ly/1BGcCO1 Cartoons - http://bit.ly/1xB0PAU Films by Alexey Balabanov - http://bit.ly/17fSwAQ Our channel: / ctbfilm Our website: http://ctb.ru/ #kriksovy #serial #stv