Thank you for watching. This time, we had some American people try some authentic Japanese sweets that we bought at the Manhattan branch of "Minamoto Kitchoan," a long-established Japanese sweets store that has expanded into Japan and overseas. Japanese sweets are one of the refined aspects of Japanese culture, and they are not only delicious, but also beautiful to look at. This time, we had them with hot green tea! What was everyone's reaction? *We will be handing out wet tissues for hygiene reasons. #OverseasReactions#JapaneseSweets#JapaneseConfectionery #Foreigners'Reactions#JapaneseDagashi #TriedToTryIt#Dorayaki#Sakuramochi#Americans#JapaneseSnacks#JapaneseSnackForeigners#ShowaEra#ShowaEraSweets#JapaneseSnack #Snack #OverseasReactions#AboutJapan#japaneseculture#japanesefood #JapaneseCulture#NewYorker#America#Brooklyn #NewYork #WeAsk#Japan#Japanese #American #manhattann #Manhattan