We are all afraid and that is completely normal. Some people are afraid of making phone calls, of spiders or of taking the elevator. But when is it actually fear and when is it just anxiety? What the difference is, when fear becomes pathological and what happens in the body when we are afraid - Dr. Julia Fischer explains all this and has lots of tips for you to overcome your fear. 00:00 - We are all afraid 00:45 - Difference between fear and anxiety 01:45 - This is what happens in the body when you are afraid 02:16 - When is fear positive? 02:35 - No fear? 03:10 - Fear can make you sick 03:25 - When fear is no longer normal 03:45 - Anxiety disorders - warning signs 04:25 - Dealing with normal fear 04:50 - Fear of making phone calls 05:20 - Learning to understand fears 05:45 - Tips for dealing with fear 06:20 - Breathing: 4-7-11 method 06:45 - Nutrition 07:00 - Drinks, caffeine, alcohol 07:25 - Sleep 08:00 - Conclusion A contribution from ARD GESUND Sources: https://www.planet-wissen.de/gesellsc... https://www.spektrum.de/lexikon/neuro... https://www.pschyrembel.de/Amygdala/P... https://www.aok.de/pk/magazin/koerper... https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters... https://www.msdmanuals.com/de-de/heim... https://www.spektrum.de/lexikon/neuro... https://www.stiftung-gesundheitswisse... https://www.patienten-information.de/... https://www.bundesaerztekammer.de/fil... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35807... https://www.angstselbsthilfe.de/wp-co... https://www.pharmazeutische-zeitung.d... Credit: picture alliance/dpa Themendienst/Christin Klose #DrJuliaFischer #Angst #anxietydisorder ___________________________________________________ ARD GESUND with Dr. Julia Fischer is a YouTube channel of the ARD health editorial departments