The lives of Carole and Patrick, who have been a couple for 18 years, were suddenly turned upside down two years ago. Patrick, who had gone to take photos in the Nice countryside, was found by the police, unconscious and seriously injured in the head. He woke up after 6 months in a coma, seriously disabled. Carole then made the difficult decision to leave everything behind to take care of the man of her life and the father of her daughter, Mylène, 15. A young girl who, since the accident, has become very distant from her father, to whom she had been very close until then... Ludovic is 24 years old. He was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 12 and has a lot of difficulty reading, writing and finding his way. This persevering young man has set himself a goal: to overcome his disability, pass his highway code test and pass his driving test, in the hope of finding work. For 5 years, Ludovic has been taking two code lessons per week. He has already failed the exam 7 times but, he is certain, the 8th will be the right one… Don't hesitate to LIKE our videos, thank you! Subscribe to the channel to receive our next publications.