#MarathonDeadPoint #MarathonTraining #Marathon #JeongSeokGeun #FullCourse #Running #PhysicalTraining #DeadPointTraining Dead points are regulars who come to us during training or competitions. If you learn how to overcome them well, it will be a great help in setting good records. Dead points are inevitable, but if you study and prepare, you can enjoy them and gain momentum for a bigger leap. Be a runner who can deal with dead points flexibly. #Running #Health #Diet #Lee Bong-ju #Olympics #Gold Medal #Weight Loss #Health #Athletics #Record #Limit of Speed #Marathon Competition #Fartleg #Circuit Training #2000m #3000m #100m #Police SWAT #Coast Guard SWAT #Firefighter #Special Forces #Physical Test #7 Minutes Perfect Score #Seoul #Korea #Stretching #Hospital #Pharmacy #Blood Circulation #Sleep #Sleep #Fatigue Recovery #Running #Trail Run