Using a single-ended output transformer as an example, we will show what basic characteristics need to be measured and known to assess the quality of such products. We will also dwell in detail on various methods of measuring these parameters, providing equivalent circuits. ===================== Visit the online store soberi.pro ???? http://soberi.pro/c536091-novinki.html Output transformer OT-SE 5.0/8-20 in the online store soberi.pro ????http://soberi.pro/c534748-vyhodnye-tr... ==================== ➤Measuring complex for checking transformers: • How to make an audio transformer... ➤How to distinguish a high-quality output transformer • How to distinguish a high-quality audio tr... ???? Translation of Rick Berglund's article "Simple and quick testing of a transformer" in the journal Vestnik A.R.A. http://www.vestnikara.spb.ru/vestn/n3... ===================== 00:00 Parameters. Introduction. 00:24 Tested output transformer 00:59 Measuring complex 01:10 Three types of main transformer parameters 01:25 Static (main) parameters 01:54 Circuit for measuring inductance at frequency 02:42 AFC and PFC 03:48 Results of AFC and PFC measurements 04:16 Important information 04:59 Transformer pulse characteristics 06:21 Conclusions ==================== The parameters of the audio transformer are the basis for achieving the maximum result when designing a tube amplifier. The output transformer has three main types of parameters: static parameters frequency response and phase response impulse responses In the video, the example is a single-ended output transformer manufactured by ZOLOTAYA SEREDINA OT-SE 5.0/8-20 A few words about the tested transformer: The transformer is made of an M6 magnetic core (steel grade M165-36S) with a plate thickness of 0.3 mm. The reduced resistance is 5 kOhm. The transformer is designed for one load resistance of 8 Ohm, the maximum output audio power is 20 W. This universal output transformer is suitable for such radio tubes as 6p6, 6p14p and even 300V. During the measurements, we will remove the following parameters: phase-frequency characteristics (many do not take into account, but it is very important for assessing the quality of the wound product); frequency response. We measure the impulse characteristics of the transformer for the tube amplifier on our measuring complex. We will also provide equivalent measurement circuits to assess the significance of the parameters obtained during the measurement of the output transformer for a tube amplifier. As a result of such measurements and based on the data obtained, you can easily analyze and draw the right conclusions, assessing the quality of the single-ended output transformer. As a result, using a transformer with such characteristics, you can confidently get a high-quality tube amplifier with good parameters, and most importantly - decent sound. ===================== ????Assemble.Professionally! on Instagram / soberi.pro ????Golden Mean on VK https://vk.com/goldenmiddle_com ????Golden Mean on Facebook / golden.middle.3 ????Assemble.Professionally! in Yandex.ZEN https://zen.yandex.ru/profile/editor/... ==================== #soberipro #transformer #outputtransformer