We decided to map all of Ouro Preto's attractions within our app to help tourists with a complete itinerary of the city. The city surprised us with so many fun things to do in addition to being an open-air museum. For those who like history, the city of Ouro Preto is the top 1 in Brazil. Our channel has an app (Viajantes App) with more than 450 waterfalls, the best inns, restaurants, cheese shops, crafts and tourist attractions in Minas Gerais. Link to download the Viajantes App: https://viajantessemfronteiras.com.br... Buy Canastra Products https://www.viajantesdacanastra.com.br/ Also follow our Instagram: https://instagram.com/viajantesdacana... Instagram of the app's creator: / viajantesapp #ouropreto #cachoeiras #minasgerais #farming #historia