This time... things are going wrong for us again... It's our own fault and we're trying to make the best of it. But see for yourself. Here is the direct link to Blanketino, the sewers of my cozy blanket ❤️ (not an affiliate link or anything like that ;) https://blanketino.de/products/kusche...{}&utm_campaign={20997936719}&utm_term={}&utm_content{}&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArva5BhBiEiwA-oTnXZJvVQTj-H1WbGMHdTgueJUvsWpoArBboRtPGbnHHyPyfxmvuUXK5xoCGE0QAvD_BwE Because some people will probably ask, here is the recipe for my apple clouds: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Peel the apple, core it and cut into small pieces. Add raisins and/or rum as needed. Mix the sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar, egg, cinnamon and hazelnuts if you like. Cut the cold puff pastry into 8 equal-sized pieces. Then carefully place the pieces in the muffin tins (use paper cases if necessary), leaving the corners out. Distribute the apple pieces into the tins and pour the sour cream mixture over them. Now loosely close the dough corners over the tins. Bake at 200 degrees for approx. 30 minutes. 1 package of puff pastry, rectangular 1 apple, sweet and sour, e.g. Elstar a little lemon juice 100 g sour cream, sour cream or crème fraîche 3 tbsp sugar, brown 1 pack vanilla sugar 1 egg(s) ½ tsp cinnamon powder n.b. hazelnuts, ground n.b. raisins n.b. rum