LISTEN FOR THREE DAYS IN A ROW. ⚠️TURN ON FOR 5 MINUTES. THE BLACK ENVY OF NEIGHBORS IS DESTROYING YOUR HOME! Works perfectly the first time. Prayer is food for the soul" - this is how the fathers of the Christian Church teach us. And just as our body cannot do without essential food and water, so our soul withers and dies without the saving word of prayer. The history of Christianity knows many examples of how this spiritual food could become a replacement for material food - many holy saints of God, refusing water and food and exhausting themselves with the strictest fast, but their body lived and was healthy thanks to the blessed power of prayer. Prayer is not only the spiritual nutrition of every believer, it is also a unique tool that helps to cope with any trouble. When addressing a prayer request for help to the Lord in a difficult life situation, in sorrow or illness, a person invariably receives the gracious help of the Heavenly Father. This powerful healing prayer will help your loved ones in the treatment of mental or physical ailments, will make recovery even faster. Damage and the evil eye of ill-wishers will pass. The most significant factor in your prayer for health is sincerity, concentration, faith, hope and love. May God grant you health! Listen to this video several times a day. In the morning and in the evening for maximum effect. When turned on through the speakers, the room is cleansed of negativity, the evil eye, negative energy is removed. A miracle happens, God changes your whole life for the better, illnesses pass, failures pass, family life improves! Thank you God for the happiness that you taught us to see all the good around us and in ourselves! Health and Happiness to all! #alone with God #prayer to God #prayer for health #law of God #prayer against corruption #prayer for children