Oto Klempíř is a poet, lyricist, creative person, but above all one of the first Czech rappers and co-founder of the funk hit JAR To všte. How does he remember his musical beginnings in South Moravia? What was the first hip-hop song he heard that made him switch from hard rock to rap? How do you rate JAR's early albums in retrospect? And does he follow the current generation of rappers? Which one of her likes him? Watch the full interview. ON AIR is a talk show by music columnist Pavel Kučera with musicians and people from the music industry. A new episode is published every week on the YouTube channel kytary.cz. Facebook: / onairtalks Overview of older episodes here: http://bit.ly/VsechnyOnAirRazhovory You can listen to older episodes of On Air also in the form of podcasts here: Spotify http://bit.ly/OnAirRazhovorySpotify Apple Podcasts http://bit.ly /OnAirInterviewsApplePodc... #onair #interview #otoklempir #spring