Lord Arthur, a wealthy and somewhat bored nobleman, finds himself face to face with an unexpected prophecy that turns his life upside down. His quest to fulfill his destiny takes him on a journey full of humorous but also slightly chilling moments. Cast: Viktor Preiss, Alena Vránová, Helena Friedrichová, Josef Vinklář, Květa Fialová, Vendula Křížová, Jiří Čapka, Karel Dobrý, Jiří Knot, Jaroslav Someš and Jitka Žídková. Prepared by: Pavlína Šmolíková Dramaturgy: Jiří Hubička Translation: Jiří Zdeněk Novák Sound: Jiří Fuhrman Sound collaboration: Jana Fišerová and Josef Plechatý Music: Petr Mandel Direction: Lída Engelová Filmed in 1997