Tribute by the OSBu to the composer from Burgos Antonio José on the 80th anniversary of his death. Conductor and piano soloist: Javier Castro Villamor. The Suite ingenua, for string orchestra and piano, was composed by Antonio José at the end of 1928, and won an award in March 1929 in a competition held in Lérida by a jury made up of the Catalan composers Mas y Serracant, Barberá and Cumellas Ribó. It is divided into three movements (“Romance”, “Ballad” and “Dance”), which are inspired by themes from the Cancionero de Olmeda (nos. 143 and 233) and from his own Colección de cantos populares burgaleses (no. 117, for the third movement). The naive represents the humble, the modest, the simple, the sober, the austere, but also the innocent, the candid, the simple beauty of that which exists without knowing that it is beautiful, like the sea of Malaga, like a little path or like a popular tune. This work arises from the popular song that constitutes the thematic material for each of its movements and consequently its soul.