00:00 Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism 1:18:50 Are there any Jews at the so-called peace forums? What is their attitude to what is happening in light of what we have talked about today? 1:25:00 In the first centuries after the birth of Christ, there was an upsurge in religious life in Egypt. There were many ascetics of faith, but as a result, Egypt was Islamized. What is the reason for this tragedy? 1:28:58 What is your attitude to Danil Andreev and his book "The Rose of the World"? 1:29:34 Please characterize the Old Believers. 1:34:14 What was Leo Tolstoy's mistake? 1:34:52 At what historical stage did Catholicism separate from Christianity? 1:35:37 Say a few words about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. 1:37:53 What is the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the Ecumenical Patriarch and his ecumenical activity? 1:40:51 What arguments do Protestants give in support of female priesthood? 1:41:39 What do you think of Posner's statement that Orthodoxy dooms Russia to lag behind countries where Protestantism and Catholicism are practiced? 1:42:08 Please comment on the idea expressed in our Church about the shortening of time and its compression in the last times. 1:42:55 What, in your opinion, is the spiritual state of Russia today? 1:47:37 Please tell me, what is the current fast for Catholics and Protestants? 1:49:50 What is your attitude towards the works of Archpriest Alexander Men? 1:53:17 How do Catholics and Protestants prepare for communion? 1:55:00 Is yoga as a physical exercise possible for Christians? 📌Osipov Alexey Ilyich - Russian Orthodox theologian, honored professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Doctor of Theology. For a more objective assessment, it is important for us to know the opinion of everyone who watched this video 👍👎. Archive of lectures and books https://Alexey-Osipov.ru About the meaning of life. Is there a God and who is He? The truth of Christianity. What is Orthodoxy? Spiritual life. About love, marriage and family... ________ OFFICIAL SITE https://alexey-osipov.ru DOWNLOAD http://alexey-osipov.ru/video/pravosl... YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/user/osipoval... VK https://vk.com/a_i_osipov OK https://ok.ru/prof.osipov TELEGRAM https://t.me/professor_osipov YANDEX ZEN https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5db9805c3480... #Orthodoxy #Catholicism #Protestantism