The 90-year-old Artemisia: A Life Story Full of Courage and Optimism In the picturesque village of Kerasochori in Evrytania, we met Mrs. Artemisia, a woman full of wisdom and vitality in her 90s. Her life has been filled with difficulties and deprivations, but with love and optimism. From an early age, at the age of 8, she was orphaned by her mother and father. Along with her grandmother, she took on the heavy burden of caring for the rest of the family's children. He experienced up close the wars that marked Greece, the Italians, the Germans, and the devastating civil war. They were forced to leave their home to save themselves. There is no life without suffering, Mrs. Artemisia tells us. She grew up with the responsibility of her brothers always in her mind, got married and created her own family. She told us about the old days when women, like herself, gave birth at home with the help of older women. Difficult years, with poverty and deprivation. Today, Mrs. Artemisia spends her time at home, taking care of her beloved pet donkey, who has been her companion for 31 years. Her diet is mainly based on vegetables, with minimal meat once a month. The wise lady Artemisia leaves us a valuable lesson: to live our lives with a smile and optimism, even in the most difficult times. Her story is a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love and family. #histories #evrytania #tradition #greekvillagelife ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ????⚠️It is prohibited to download, modify and use excerpts or entire videos for any reason. Article 66 - Law 2121/1993 EPPI-DRUME AMKE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ❤️ SUBSCRIBE to Greek Village Life / @greekvillagelife #village #agriculture #village #greece #greekvillagelife