The most popular travel show in Lithuania, "Orijaus vyšas", presents an exclusive, four-part series dedicated to an expedition to the Arctic. Travel journalist Orijus Gasanov, together with scientists from Klaipėda University's Marine Research Institute, went to the northernmost point of Europe - the Svalbard archipelago. In this series of shows, you will see what it means to live beyond the Arctic Circle, what the northernmost city in the world looks like, what rules apply there. Orijus will also invite him to closely observe the scientific expedition, what conditions the researchers live in, what they are looking for, why they don't sleep at night. Everything - from the first hand. The first part of the Arctic expedition is dedicated to the main town of Svalbard, Longjyrbien, where people walk around with guns because they are afraid of encountering polar bears. And he is very real. Orijus will show you what the most beautiful hotel in the city looks like, tell you about the everyday life of the town, invite you to a restaurant where a Lithuanian woman works. In this show, you will learn why it is forbidden to die in Svalbard, and why you cannot give birth here. What to do if you are attacked by a bear? And what happened to those who were attacked? Orius will show you what a polar day looks like - an extremely difficult period when it does not get dark 24 hours a day. Subscribe to our channel and be the first to see the shows! ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL https://shorturl.at/ajnuT ???? READ https://www.delfi.lt ???? WATCH https://www.delfi.lt/video/ ???? LET'S FRIEND / delfilietuva ???? FOLLOW DELFI INSTAGRAM / delfilietuva