The most popular travel show in Lithuania, “Orijus's Travels,” returns to the United States, this time with journalist Orijus Gasanovas traveling around the state of California. The first show is dedicated to the largest city in California, Los Angeles, the central Downtown district, which is not at all pleasing to tourists. The streets are full of homeless people and drug addicts, who make you feel dangerous at every step. Orijus will enter the notorious Skid Row neighborhood, which is feared even by the local residents of Los Angeles. What the journalist saw there will shock many. Also, in this show you will see the “Cecil Hotel,” which is called the most terrible hotel in the world, famous for suicides and murders that have occurred in its rooms. Subscribe to our channel and be the first to see the shows! 👉 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL https://shorturl.at/ajnuT 👉 READ https://www.delfi.lt 👉 WATCH https://www.delfi.lt/video/ 👉 LET'S BE FRIENDS / delfilietuva 👉 FOLLOW DELFI ON INSTAGRAM / delfilietuva