Central Java Folk Art Performance, Within the Framework of Regional Cultural Week 2020 Presents: Banyumasan Cultural Arts Exhibition Collaboration: Central Java Provincial Education and Culture Office Cilacap Regency Education and Culture Office Supported by: Rakafm Purbalingga Youtube Channel Streaming, November 15, 2020 ============================= Rakafm Purbalingga arts and culture channel especially Banyumasan hopefully the content on our channel can provide benefits for all your participation and support either through SUBSCRIBE, like, share & comment we express our gratitude, may your fortune be made easy, aamiin. ============================ #RakafmPurbalingga #LiveArtsCilacap #PdKCilacap Service #ArtsCultureDakwahMedia #NgapakBanyumasanChannel #BanyumasanLeatherWayang #NgapakReligious Studies #BanyumasanCulture #UlinnuhaCilacap #UstadzahMumpuni #GusMiftahReligious Studies #KyaiMiftahudinZuhriReligious Studies #LiveStreaming #LiveBanyumasanLeatherWayang #LiveGrandReligious Studies #LiveArtsCulture #LiveMusic