Questions about the origin of the Universe have accompanied human beings throughout history and were discussed on the Open Science program on September 4, 2019. The researchers participating in this edition were: João Steiner, coordinator of the Giant Magellan Telescope - GMT, and professor at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences at USP; Carola Chinellato, physicist and leader of the Brazilian participation in the Pierre Auger Observatory and professor at the Institute of Physics at Unicamp; Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino, astrophysicist and Brazilian coordinator of the ASTRI-Mini-Array project, member of the LLAMA steering committee and associate professor at IAG USP. Open Science Playlist (Agência FAPESP) https://bit.ly/2ZG2Y0b For more information, visit https://cienciaaberta.fapesp.br ▶ About the Program: The Open Science TV program is a partnership between FAPESP and the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo. Held monthly in the FAPESP auditorium, the program is broadcast live on the Ciência Aberta website (www.fapesp.br/ciencia-aberta), on the FAPESP website (www.fapesp.br), on the Agência FAPESP page on Facebook (www.facebook.com/agfapesp) and on YouTube ( /fapespagencia ) and on the TV Folha website (www1.folha.uol.com.br/tv). Participate in Ciência Aberta by sending suggestions or criticisms to: [email protected] ▶ Canal USP: the best of USP, in a single address on the internet. ▶ Subscribe, like and share! #CanalUSP #JornaldaUSP #CiênciaAberta