Today, January 26, 2018, the last session with the prosecution witness was held; I resign from my position as a defense attorney and the date for the final argument is set for February 2, 2018, at 2 pm. I do not want to anticipate the decision of the 21st Criminal Circuit Judge with knowledge functions, but really the co-authorship to demonstrate the accusing entity in its dogmatic structure, must have a solid support that for this case is very far away, we will see in the final argument both the intervention of the Prosecutor, that of the representatives of victims who go hand in hand with the accuser, that of the Public Ministry that was not present today and of course my own as a trusted defense attorney. Your opinions are important and welcome to me, this is casuistry and it is the best way, I believe, to put into practice the theory of how oral trials are handled in this criminal system with an accusatory tendency.