In this video you will learn: Opportunity for engineers and architects to earn a lot of money with construction management. . Construction for administration fee. Building to sell. Building with money from Caixa. Real estate development with investors Click on the link and learn about Professional Construction Management and everything it can do for your career, your projects and your construction company: https://gestaodeobrasprofissional.com... Link to the VIP group of Engineers, Architects and Construction Company Owners on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DGYKJPBl4tT... (Only join the group if you are one of these professionals) Link to the VIP group of laymen who want to build or renovate their house on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IgzJpJPOJXO... (Group for laymen! Join and learn a lot about construction) Learn about our Trainings: Professional Construction Management: https://gestaodeobrasprofissional.com... Perfect Construction Budget: https://orcamentodeobrasperfeito.com/... Follow me on other social networks: Instagram: / engfabriciorossi Linkedin: / fabriciorossi Talk to my Team on WhatsApp: https://acesse.one/OHqIw Do you have any questions? Write here and I will be happy to answer you in the time I have available. Who is Fabricio Rossi? I am the first engineer and architect in my family. I drove buses for 15 years and Honda Biz for 5 years. I have already made +R$600 million in works. My students have already earned R$500 million. And my entire trajectory is in this link here: https://fabriciorossi.com.br/ Let's go for it! 🚀 Hugs. Fabricio Rossi.