The most important event of 1981 occurred in December and was precisely the assassination of the then Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu. The longest-serving Prime Minister in the history of Albania was found in his home, in what was called the leaders' block, in the circumstances of a suicide, which still remains a mystery. The immediate version given by the experts was suicide. To talk about this event, historians Paskal Milo, Neritan Ceka and historical journalist Dashnor Kaloci were invited to the "Opinion" show on Tv Klan. Meanwhile, Robert Papa and Shaban Sinani were in direct contact. According to the guests, the Mehmet Shehu case has always created uncertainty and it has been unclear whether it was suicide or murder. Mehmet Shehu's political career, as well as his life, remained heavily marked by the time he lived and by the system he himself designed, which in the end became the great drama of him and the family he left behind. Tough, strict, with an almost absent smile, which appeared when he was next to Enver Hoxha in Congresses or on the tribunes. He survived for 27 years at the head of the government, more than anyone else in the world. The life of the most important man after Hoxha has been without any particular climax. He was born in the village of Çorushë, Mallakastra, on January 10, 1913. The fighter of Spain and the man who had linked his fate with communism, did not stand aside.