The broadcast of January 5, 2011 directed by Blendi Fevziu is an interview with a lady called Aglaia Zoto who was a militant and partisan and her activity is spread between Bulgaria-France-Albania. It is not just a person's life, it is above all a testimony of a very difficult period in the communist camp, a period of pain, of faith and unbelief as well as sacrifices. Aglaia Zoto: I was born in Himare and when I was about 3 months old, my father took me to France with my mother. At that time, especially in Paris and other cities, there were prominent patriots such as Halim Xhelua, Omer Nishani with whom they were outstanding patriots who fought for Albania against the Zogist regime but also for democracy. My father was forced to return to Albania and organize the democratic anti-zogist movement. At that time there was no communism. Neither my father has ever spoken and I myself don't even know about their history to say incorrect things. Now I speak to you in reality, surely about the democratic anti-zogist movement. These patriots wanted Albania to have a democratic and not royal regime. To my father from Paris they brought the propaganda materials that were written by those who were being made in Corfu and from Corfu they sent them to Himare to my father and he took me as his student loading me with those materials and a small steamer would come my father would go in and talk with them and then we would leave for Himara. Aglaia Zoto tells that her father, sometimes as a priest, sometimes as a miller, would bring those materials and go to Berat, travel all over Albania to distribute them and create groups with simpantisants. Aglaia Zoto: When my father wanted to make me a partisan, he wanted to get permission from Enver Hoxha. Around the age of 15, I became a partisan. At that time, a great propaganda was made by the National-Liberation War for girls and boys to go to the mountains, but due to the fanaticism that existed then, women and girls were wearing ferrets. In this way, he told my father not to worry because he had a daughter who would send him to the mountain and accompany him, and with her work and the general work of the Albanian people against the occupiers, they would begin to the other girls also came out. Indeed, when I became a partisan and for almost a year I was the only one in Himare who became one.