Target Operation is a comedy series program (supposedly) inspired by a true story with a course situation to become a p3nj4h4t. Target Operation was founded by a law enforcement officer (Kiky Saputri) so that business in his agency can continue running. Premise Episode #11 Una Evos comes with a mission to embezzle Passports because Una wants to go abroad to find her boyfriend. Will the mission succeed? let's just watch Denny Cagur as the target investor of the operation Catheez as a senior criminal Elsa Japasal (Eca) as an intern criminal Rigen as a new criminal, still in plastic wkwk Dj Ayudia as a Beautiful Police Officer Indra Jegel as an Intern Criminal Una as a Client Imoeetttzz Instagram: / wkwkproject_official Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wkwkproject_o... Twitter: https://twitter.com/wkwk_project?s=21 Telegram: https://t.me/+KpueLWh1kaE5ZGQ1 Official Sponsor Nanovest Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... App Store: https://apps.apple.com/id/app/nanoves... If you are interested for any collaboration/sponsorship, please contact [email protected] #dennycagur #rigen #catheez #elsajapasal #una #indrajegel #unaevos #eca