To subscribe, click http://wedia.link/iboshowperformans. İbo Show is a talk show program presented by İbrahim Tatlıses that started on November 19, 1993. Its first season was broadcast on Kanal 6 and later transferred to channels such as STAR, ATV and Beyaz TV. In particular, it broke rating records with its program in the 1990s and won the appreciation of the audience. You can click on the link / imparatoribo to visit the official Twitter account. You can click on the link /ibrahimtatlises to visit the official Instagram account. You can click on our YouTube Partner's Website https://wediacorp.com. Open the Zülüflerin Yar Yar Yellere Karşı Lyrics Open the Zülüflerin Yar Yar Yellere Karşı Is Your Zülfün Not My String? Bülbül Figan Eder Güllere Karşı Is That Yar My Rose Not? Don't Shake Your Hair, You Will Find Me Too, Like the Grim Reaper, Oh My God, You Will Take My Life, Don't Do This Torment, Oh My God, You Will Be My Blood, Is This Servant Not Your Servant, Your Servant? İbo Show is a talk show program presented by İbrahim Tatlıses and started on November 19, 1993. Its first season was broadcast on Kanal 6, and later transferred to channels such as STAR, ATV and Beyaz TV. It broke rating records especially with its program in the 1990s and gained the appreciation of the audience. Subscribe: http://wedia.link/iboshowperformans #İboShow #GülerDuman #İbrahimTatlıses