IN THIS VIDEO WE SHOW ALL THE GIFTS WE RECEIVED FOR OUR 15TH BIRTHDAY! Want to know the Instagram @ of the partners who made this party happen? Take advantage and follow them! Bar: @cocktalmixx Cake, truffles and goodies: @mdoces Brownies and macaroons: @bomneria Buffet: @elianelealgastronomia Photo booth: @rvphotoprint Party venue: @espacolamartine Ceremonialist: @nathibritocerimonial Custom flip-flops: @ateliedavepersonalizados Choreography: @carvalhalcoreografias Decoration/virtual reality project/production: @arquitetandoeventos Floral design: @jollydesignfloral DJs from @rastropop: @djbolaoficial @fernandawitis @djbernardosetta Donuts: @poisondonuts Ice cream station: @sorveteando Closing: @oficialdkeventos Photography and filming: @rodrigorezenderj Makeup artist: @pamgomodbeauty Landscaping: @hortoart Sound, lighting and LEDs: @cmneventos Dresses: @lurodriguesdebutantes Hanging candles: @etccoisaetal Our insta: https://www.instagram.com/irmascalian... #new #irmascaliano #party