Become a sponsor (boost account), access to interviews: https://boosty.to/laravelcreative My paid courses: https://laravelcreative.ru/course Development plan from zero to middle+: https://laravelcreative.ru/other/plan VK group: https://vk.com/laravelcreative Link for donations, sponsorship, donations https://yoomoney.ru/to/410011784671592 https://www.donationalerts.com/r/lara... - 00:00:00 Introduction, general information about the courses 00:04:30 Creating a project and settings 00:05:47 Class 00:09:40 Properties and methods 00:16:00 Objects 00:18:55 Autoload 00:23:30 Constructor 00:31:35 Inheritance 00:38:35 Access levels 00:45:00 Getters and Setters 00:49:00 Abstract class (and abstract methods) 00:54:05 Interface 01:01:21 Trait 01:05:08 Static methods and properties 01:12:21 What are OOP principles, why, for what, how 01:13:30 Abstraction 01:16:03 Encapsulation 01:19:19 Inheritance 01:20:37 Polymorphism 01:24:52 Magic methods 01:25:05 Constructor 01:27:01 toString 01:30:17 destruct 01:31:12 call, callStatic 01:33:21 get, set 01:37:38 isset, unset 01:39:36 sleep, wakeup 01:42:12 serialize, unserialize 01:43:47 invoke 01:45:07 clone 01:45:45 degubInfo 01:46:50 Functions for working with objects and classes