In this video we show you an interview with our former student of the Higher Cycle in Dietetics https://www.itep.es/ciclos-formativos... Jose María Puya, where he tells us about his experience at ITEP and also talks to us about his project. Well, basically I consider myself passionate about food for 10 years and well, I was clear that my training had to be related to the world of health, nutrition, physical activity, so at first I enrolled in the Degree in Food Science and Technology, but as my goal, besides the fact that I love it, I love food science, my great passion lies in Dietetics and nutrition, then I did something that many people called me crazy and many people still call me crazy, which was to enroll at the same time in the Food Technology degree while studying the Dietetics training cycle, so of course as I was going to the public University of Extremadura in person, well then I decided that I had to look for a semi-presential institute, so well searching on the Internet, nothing came to me with ITEP. I called a lot of different secretaries and without a doubt in my case at least the secretary of Móstoles who is the one for the Degree in Dietetics always behaved very well with me basically because in my case it was a bit special since I had taken many subjects in Food Science Technology, since I wanted to validate some subjects to do the Vocational Training Cycle, the laboratory ones for example, microbiology and food control, so my case required more personalized attention than another person, in addition to the fact that I already had another higher degree and they also validated RET and FOL for me, so my case was a bit special and they behaved quite well, then at the methodology level it was very comfortable, I had absolutely no problem, the personalized attention of the teachers was quite good, in fact I have a good relationship with several teachers and the truth is that the step was quite satisfactory, it is true that in my case since they validated more subjects for me, I could not have a complete experience, but the experience I had was quite satisfactory. Well basically I currently have several projects related to nutrition, the first one in my brand, my company ALIMENTOLOGÍA which is a professional dietary services company, in which well I offer my services as a dietician, apart I have my podcast which is where I am most comfortable I think that in the end it was one of the greatest successes I made in my life My main company which is foodology, I carry out personalized training to be able to consult questions they have about the labor market which is often complicated and especially for private clients dietary advice, I am specialized in athletes in physical activity 00:00 Opinions Online Dietetics 00:23 Why study Dietetics 01:44 Experience at ITEP 03:47 Working as a Dietitian 06:20 Functions of a Dietitian ???? You can find out about the training cycles we teach at this link ▶️ https://www.itep.es ???? To stay up to date with what we are uploading, don't miss the opportunity to subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_... ???? You can also find us on: Facebook: / itep-instituto-t%c3%a9cnico-de-estudios-pr... Twitter: / itep_es Instagram: / itep_formacion #ITEP #FP #Dietética