On the intensively stocked lakes around Budapest, although catching fish is not difficult, you still have to fight hard for every bite. In this film, Bence shows two techniques that can be extremely effective even on difficult days. One is fishing with glued bones, while the other is one of the finest varieties of the method technique. Products used in the film: Benzár Seria Method chocolate-orange: http://bit.ly/2Orhanz Benzár Method Pellet black halibut: http://bit.ly/2Pb6r5M Benzár Competition Feeder: http://bit.ly/2QGsuOF Benzár Allround Feeder: http://bit.ly/2BOeJZ3 Benzár bone glue: http://bit.ly/2SnEp8N Benzár Long Life pellet: http://bit.ly/2zsSxSR Benzár Method Egg: http://bit.ly/2VV5oXc Carp Expert Comfort carp cradle: http://bit.ly/2GwMWk4 Carp Expert Competition method basket: http://bit.ly/2SlqPys Excalibur Round Feeder hook: http://bit.ly/2T3XvNM Carp Expert EVA set: http://bit.ly/2B2bDAa