We built a small one-story SIP house near Podolsk. You can see how the house looks in the winter of 2020 in this video • One-story house made of SIP panels 8 by 1... The video shows some points that need to be taken into account when building a house from SIP panels, as well as almost the entire construction process. A SIP house is essentially a frame house, a frame house, only insulated with foam. Well, of course, it is built differently. --------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Siper. We build the right houses with straight hands. --------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to build yourself a house from SIP panels or a frame house? Contact me by phone +7 (977) 474-77-47 or by email [email protected] Sincerely, Dmitry Krylov. #SipPanels #SipHouse #HouseFromSipPanels #HouseFromSipPanelsReview #SipPanelHouse #SipHouseConstruction #FrameHouses #SipHouses #HousesFromSipPanels #HouseConstruction #FrameHouse #construction #sip #panels house from sip panels, sip panels, sip, sip houses, sip house, sip, construction of houses, houses from sip panels, sip panel, house, frame house, construction of a house, sip technology, country house, construction, house sip panel, house from sip, dacha, turnkey house, review, house review, we build a house, construction, foundation, sip panel, build a house, house finishing, panels, sip panels, house from sip panels, do-it-yourself house, how to build a house, Canadian technology, turnkey sip panels, frame houses, manufacturer of sip panels, quickly erected houses, sip paneli, construction of houses, we build turnkey houses, sip houses reviews, sip construction, piles, house from sip panels price, we build as ourselves, construction from sip panels, house project, screw piles, review of sip, sip panel price, frame house, sip we build, sip house project, roofing, sip house, windows, sip panels price, houses from sip panels, review of a house from sip panels, sip panel construction, house from sip panels reviews, foundation strapping, houses using Canadian technology, sip houses owner reviews, private house, house layout, house sip panel video, house from sip panels construction, house sip panels, house for permanent residence, sippanel, sip panels reviews, sippanels, domiZsip, sip houses construction, how to build a frame house, house tour, sip house review, frame house, construction company, construction of a frame house, successful layout, review of your house, country construction, house in Moscow region, construction of country houses, projects of country houses, project of house 8x10, construction of frame houses, projects of houses, sip frame, sip panels, technology of assembling a house from sip panels, assembling a house from sip panels, pile foundation, interfloor ceilings, build a house from sip panels, a house from sip panels with your own hands