PAMPA SUL Store presents: UM DIA CANTEI AMORES (Adriano Silva Alves/ Ricardo Bergha) Like, share and don't forget to subscribe, it helps us a lot and I really appreciate it! Thank you very much! I composed this milonga in partnership with Adriano Silva Alves and we recorded it live alongside the great guitarist Higor Estremera, at Estúdio Chalé in Lages/SC. The capture and editing of the images was done by the master Fabiano Coelho and the audio, capture, mix and master were done by the master Ale Lopes. More videos of this special day of hard work, done with love, will be coming soon. Thank you very much to everyone! INSTAGRAM / ricardobergha FACEBOOK / ricardoberghaa SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/intl-pt/arti...