Ondarroa is one of the most charismatic towns on the Basque coast. An urban centre located on the banks of the Artibai River, protected by cliffs and the sea, inviting us to enjoy the authentic pleasures of life. ⭐Full article: https://turismovasco.com/bizkaia/que-... ⚡Subscribe! / @turismovasco ???? Online reservations: https://turismovasco.com/reservas/ind... Join TurismoVasco.com's social networks! Ongi etorri! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ✅ Facebook: / turismovasco ✅ Twitter: / @turismo_vasco ✅ Instagram: / turismo_vasco ✅ Website: https://turismovasco.com/ Thank you very much for being part of this project that unites all of us in love with the Basque Country, Euskal Herria.