Once Upon a Time in...Hollywood is one of the most anticipated films of recent times. In this SPOILER-FREE video, we'll talk about director Quentin Tarantino's penultimate film, a love letter to cinema. The mix between reality and fiction once again gains strength in the hands of the director, with figures such as Sharon Tate, Charles Mason and Bruce Lee accompanying Leonardo Dicaprio and Brad Pitt in this fantastic story. Did you like the video? Subscribe! Learn screenwriting techniques, directing and all the other steps until the completion of a film: https://alemdoframe.com.br/ Playlists Great Directors of Cinema - http://bit.ly/GrandesDiretoresGZ Quentin Tarantino Special - http://bit.ly/QuentinTarantinoGZ The Godfather - http://bit.ly/OPoderosoChefaoGZ Everything about the Joker - http://bit.ly/EspecialCoringaGZ Everything about Actors and Actresses - http://bit.ly/AtoresAtrizesGZ Top List of Movies - http://bit.ly/ListadeFilmesGZ The History Behind the Movies - http://bit.ly/AHistoriaPorTrasDosFilmes Instagram: @GZGustavoCruz Twitter: @GZGustavoCruz Facebook: fb.com/GZGustavoCruz Contact: [email protected]