Autonomous and independent, this professional driver obviously ensures the safety of his passengers, adults or children, but not only that! He provides them with real quality of service. ●▬▬♦▬▬● To follow the news of your Grand Est Region, go to: ► Website: https://www.grandest.fr ► Facebook: / regiongrandest @PoleemploiGE @ARMLGrandest @groupe.ecf @opcomobilites @FNTV @STDMtransport ► Twitter: / regiongrandest @poleemploi_GE @ArmlGrandest @OPCO_Mobilites @groupekeolis @FNTVFrance @prismemploi ?lang=fr @company/18360932 ► Instagram: / laregiongrandest ► LinkedIn: / regiongrandest @catherine-bunel @arml-grand-est @company/groupe-ecf @company/opco-mobilites @company/fntv @prismemploi ●▬▬♦▬▬● ► To subscribe to the channel: / @regiongrandest