The guest of the show is Ninoslav Novak. Water is an extremely small molecule that has extremely specific properties. It is inexplicable why exactly water on Earth can be found in all three aggregate states - solid, liquid and gaseous? Why does water have the strongest surface tension of all liquids? Why is it the strongest solvent on the surface of the planet Earth, and how exactly is water able to ascend through the capillaries through the trees, crossing tens of meters to the place where the leaves are? It is impossible to find other molecules that would have all the anomalies that water has, and without just one of them there would be no life on Earth at all. But even that is just the beginning. It used to be thought that the most important thing was the chemical composition, but in the case of water it is not so - the three-dimensional structure of water proves to be essential. Individual molecules are connected in groups called clusters. It is assumed that clusters are memory cores in which water records various types of information as if on a tape. That is why water research flourished at the beginning of the 21st century, as evidenced by regular annual scientific conferences, such as the one held in Sofia at the end of 2017. The goal of the conference was to connect the latest findings from holographic memory, consciousness, cellular communication, the role of water in the functioning of DNA, its electrical dynamics and other discovered properties of water into a complete picture... HRTi: https://hrti.hrt.hr/home HRT web portal: https://www.hrt.hr/ HRT FB: / hrtnovimediji