IBM's quantum computer, the IBM Quantum System One, has been installed for the first time in Korea at Yonsei University. Yonsei University and IBM unveiled the IBM Quantum System One, installed at the Quantum Computing Center at Yonsei University's Songdo International Campus, to reporters today (the 20th) and announced their utilization strategy. The IBM Quantum System One is powered by the 127-qubit IBM Quantum Eagle processor. 127 qubits can process 2 to the 127th power of calculations simultaneously, which is known to be able to process more information than the number of stars in the entire universe. Quantum computers are tens of millions of times faster than supercomputers and are evaluated as game changers that will change the landscape of future industries such as artificial intelligence and batteries. #quantumcomputer #Yonsei #Yonsei #IBM #quantum Copyright ⓒ KBS. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, and use (including AI learning) are prohibited. ▣ Subscribe to KBS News YouTube: https://goo.gl/qCWZjZ ▣ KBS News YouTube Community: https://goo.gl/6yko39 ▣ KBS News ◇ PC: http://news.knkbs.co.kr ◇ Mobile: http://mn.kbs.co.kr ▣ Instagram: / kbsnews ▣ Facebook: / kbsnews ▣ Twitter: / kbsnews ▣ TikTok: / kbsnewsofficial